April 19-21, 2018
Budapest, Hungary
Early bird registration deadline: Sunday, December 3, 2017
ESGE Individual Members, HSGE and ESGENA Members save over 50% when they take advantage of the early bird registration fee reduction, compared to the standard registration fee.
Limited spaces are still available for the Academic Skills Course and Hands-on training session. Don’t miss out on your chance to make the most of your trip to the Budapest for the ESGE Days 2018 congress – check out how you can add educational value to your trip.
More information regarding the programme and faculty can be found here. For further details regarding ESGE Individual Membership application and benefits, visit
We look forward to welcoming you in Budapest!
ESGE Days 2018
Submit your abstract now!
It is with great pleasure that ESGE invites you to submit your abstracts for ESGE Days 2018, our inaugural congress in Budapest, Hungary, April 19-21, 2018.
By opening the call for abstracts, ESGE wishes to engage with our participants, to open up a forum which offers authors the opportunity to discuss and disseminate their work on an international stage. ESGE Days encourages work that contains basic, clinical or translational research findings.
· All accepted abstracts published in Endoscopy |
· Top abstract authors invited to submit original articles to Endoscopy with priority processing |
· Travel grants awarded to the top abstracts |
Submit your abstract before November 15, 2017 for your chance to actively contribute to ESGE Days 2018.